Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 3

This should be the last day with the bandages and the Freka-Cid (anti-septic) paste/cream/salbe.  Things were looking basically the same this morning, but a bit more swollen.  There are some bruises on the shaft of my penis, but I believe there are just from the injections.  Otherwise, no bruising at all.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 15

I think for the first time today I've noticed a reduction in swelling, which is a good thing.

I've also noticed that on the top side where the vein was taken out, it's as if the skin on top is stitched to the penis underneath and as such isn't movable at all.  I think the doctor mentioned this shortly after he showed me the job he had done, and I can kind of feel some stitch like material below it, but I really hope that this isn't permanent and it starts to be movable like the rest of the skin on my penis.

Wound at the back pretty much closed now which is good news.  I think in one week's time it will look at a lot better.  I might not update for a few days now because the changes aren't really noticeable.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 14

Two weeks now since I had my circumcision and things are looking pretty good I reckon. There was a little bit of seeping on the underside, but that seems to have scabbed up now.  I'm including a new side shot now which shows the swelling a lot better.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 13

I managed to masturbate for the first time last night which was a huge relief, and masturbated again tonight.  The tightness isn't as bad as I thought actually, it could be a bit tighter but it's still pretty good.

Everything is a lot better now that the stitches are out.  The wound at the back is still healing a bit and the swelling hasn't really changed, but it's all going well now.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 12

With all stitches removed, the back section has really closed up and everything is looking a lot better now.  I can see progress from day to day in every aspect except for the swelling, which is still as bad as ever.  I hope now that all the stitches are out it might accelerate the progress in that regard.

Someone on Inter-Circ suggested that I should use salt water to reduce the swelling, but seeing as the wound is still a little raw, I'm trying not to get it too wet.  If anyone has any other suggestions, please let me know.

The cut line looks a little uneven at some points, but I'm quite sure it's just the swelling, as on day one before that set in everything looked very straight.

With erections at night, I can tell that I really should have got another 1cm or maybe even 2cm removed.  We'll have to see the final result, but I don't think it's going to be as tight as I'd have liked.  My own fault though for telling the doctor to remove less than he himself suggested.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 11

During the day, I found everything much better with the stitches out.  I tried to wear nothing on my penis at all today, but half way in I decided to put back on the contraption that I've made to make sure that my penis doesn't rest on my scrotum so that more air got to the back section where the stitches were still in and the wound wasn't quite shut.

Tonight I removed the remaining stitches (ended up being 4 of them, one of which was pretty much degraded and just hanging there).  Swelling still the same as yesterday.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 10

I thought I would have another go at removing the stitches this morning, because I'm really getting sick of them.  This time we managed to get the hang of it (me and my wife), and managed to cut one side of the stitches that were still in and they came out really nicely.  Got around 10 of them out, and there is probably another 3 left in there, which I'll leave because they are near the wound opening at the back.  I'm sure I'll end up removing them in the next couple of days.

I can already see the holes where a number of the stitches were, so I'm glad I didn't wait any longer to take them out.

Here are some photos from after the stitches removal this morning.  The swelling you can see on one side is, I'm sure, due to the vein removal.  The vein actually ran up from the bottom, but then split with one side going left and one side going up and to the right.  The up and to the right one was the one causing trouble has been removed, I assume right back to the split point.  This seems to be causing the swelling of the other side of the vein.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 9

The stitches are really annoying me now, so I had a bit of a play with them and one seemed to disintegrate.  I was from the start worried about leaving them too long so that tunnels would form, but I expected that I would pull some stitch out but that wasn't the case.  It seem like the external bits of the stitch just fell off and the rest that was inside is now just gone (absorbed by my system I guess).

Anyway, after having one out, I wanted the rest out.  A lot of the stitches seem to be just hanging there not doing their job.  Only one side of the stitch is attached, so I'm sure they are better out than in.

I posted on the Inter-Circ Yahoo group to see what I should do and Bill LaBar suggested I should have a bath and try to pull the rest out.  It seemed like a good idea so I did just that, but I couldn't really make much progress.

My problem is it's difficult for me to tell whether one side has snapped off or not, and the space is too narrow to get in there if there are still two sides of the stitch attached.  I don't want to cut them off, but pulling doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere.  I think I just need to wiggle them a bit in the coming day or so and see what happens.  I've emailed Dr Waetcher about it, so we'll see what he says in regards to removing them.  It would be much better if they were out, because they are what makes everything uncomfortable.

Still no real improvement on the swelling of the inner foreskin.  I think I'll just have to wait this one out.  The wound that wasn't healing at the back looks better, and I managed to pull a worthless stitch out from this area that should help the healing (as it was getting stuck in there).

It's becoming clear that I shouldn't have told the doctor to cut off a little less, because I don't think the end result is going to be as tight as I wanted it.  But we'll have to see in a few weeks.  

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 8

I had a long shower though and tried to wash it well, and this seems to have made the wound a bit worse, but I'm sure it will heal up.  You can see that the swelling remains in a big way, although I have emailed Dr Waetcher about this and showed him photos and he says it's fine, it just needs some time.

My whole inner foreskin and part of the head of my penis is covered in a hard covering, that seems to be peeling a bit.  I didn't really expect this seeing as my head was already exposed beforehand, and I actually think it has to do with the anti-septic cream I was using at the start or the fact that I was covering it up for the first few days (the hard bit is only where the bandage/gel was).

I'm thinking about trying to remove some of the stitches today as they are very annoying and the wound has healed, but I think I'll wait another couple of days.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 7

Today is one week since I've had the snip.  Luckily my urges to masturbate seem to have waned, which is just well because my penis is seriously swollen and the wound at the back seems to have opened up a lot more.

I've emailed Dr Wächter about it, and he says there is no problems but it looks like some stitches have undone themselves so it might take a little longer to heal. 

At the moment I'm wearing a protective bandage over the wound during the day and at night, otherwise I'm letting it get some air.  I think a lot of the problem with the wound at the back is the fact it's not getting enough air, so I'm going to leave the bandage off tonight and tomorrow to see how it goes.  I've made a thing out of rolled up compression bandages that stops my penis resting on my scrotum, which should allow for more air to get to the wound.  A lot of people have a lot of differing views on how a wound heals best, but I'm of the idea that non-interference and air heals wounds the best, so we're going to put this theory to the test.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 6

I've noticed today that in the frenulum area the wound seems to have opened a bit.  It looks ok, but I'm going to have to keep an eye on it.  The rest seems perfect and looks like it's already sealed up almost completely.

The stitches are the only thing causing me pain/uncomfortable feelings.  I hope they start falling out soon.